Charles Redd Center Publications are made possible by a grant from Charles Redd, prominent Utah stockman and philanthropist. This grant served as the basis for the establishment of the Charles Redd Center for Western Studies at Brigham Young University. The Charles Redd Center also offers Publication Grants up to $3,000 to assist in the publication of studies on the Mountain West.
The Redd Center also published a monograph series for approximately twenty years. These monographs provided an outlet for publications that were longer than an article but shorter than a book. They also included publication of the Redd Center's monthly lecture series. Around 2000, the center decided to offer a subvention to presses to help reduce the per unit costs of books or to provide special features such as color prints. The Redd Center has also published books by Jessie L. Embry, Associate Director, based upon the Redd Center's Oral History projects. These include books on LDS Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans. Embry's book Spiritualized Recreation: All-Church Athletic Tournaments and Dance Festivals was published as an e-book on the Redd Center site, and can be found below.
Reconstruction and Mormon America
The Earth Will Appear as the Garden of Eden
Essays on American Indian and Mormon History
Oral History, Community, and Work in the American West
The following monographs are available in .pdf format. Please click on the appropriate link to view them.
West by East: The American West in the Gilded Age, Gene M. Gressley, 1972.
Conquered Provinces: Nevada Moves Southeast, 1864–1871, John M. Townley, 1973.
Essays on the American West, 1972–1973, Thomas G. Alexander, editor, 1974.
A Dependent Commonwealth: Utah's Economy from Statehood to the Great Depression, Leonard J. Arrington and Thomas G. Alexander, 1974.
Essays on the American West, 1973–1974, Thomas G. Alexander, Editor, 1975.
Essays on the American West, 1974–1975, Thomas G. Alexander, Editor, 1976.
I'd Rather Be Born Lucky than Rich: The Autobiography of Robert H. Hinckley, Robert H. Hinckley and JoAnn Jacobsen Wells, 1977.
"Soul-Butter and Hog Wash" and Other Essays on the American West Monograph, Thomas G. Alexander, Editor, 1978.
The Mormon Role in the Settlement of the West, Richard H. Jackson, Editor, 1979.
The Mormon People: Their Character and Traditions, Thomas G. Alexander, Editor, 1980.
The Twentieth Century American West: Contributions to an Understanding, Thomas G. Alexander and John F. Bluth, Editors, 1983.
After 150 Years: The Latter-day Saints in Sesquicentennial Perspective, Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry, Editors, 1983.
Community Development in the American West: Past and Present Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Frontiers, Jessie L. Embry and Howard A. Christy, Editors, 1985.
The Last Chance Canal Company, Max R. McCarthy, Editor, 1987.
To No Privileged Class, Stanford J. Layton, 1988.
Following Where the River Begins: A Personal Essay on an Encounter with the Colorado River, James C. Work, 1991.
Stone Spirits, Susan Howe, 1997.
The following six monographs are not yet available in digital format. Please check back later.
Asian American Mormons: Bridging Cultures, Jessie L. Embry
In His Own Language: Mormon Spanish Speaking Congregations in the United States, Jessie L. Embry
Brigham Young: The New York Years, Richard F. Palmer and Karl D. Butler
Rescue of the 1856 Handcart Company, Rebecca Bartholomew and Leonard J. Arrington
Sacred Land, Sacred View, Robert S. McPherson
A Most Singular Country: A History of Occupation in the Big Bend, Arthur R. Gomez