Visiting Fellow Program

The Charles Redd Center for Western Studies at Brigham Young University invites applications for its Visiting Fellow Program in Western Studies each academic year. University faculty of all ranks, independent scholars, freelance authors, and other public intellectuals who are working on a significant article- or book-length study with a western focus are eligible to apply for this position. The visiting fellow may be in residence for two to four months during either the Fall Semester (September–December) or the Winter Semester (January–April). The center will provide an award stipend of $2,500 per month of residency, as well as office space, a networked computer, campus library and activity privileges, and limited photocopying and printing. Please note that due to current university licensing policy, visiting fellows need to provide their own personal or university login credentials in order to use Microsoft Office Suite and other licensed applications on university computers. 

Visiting Fellows enjoy the luxury of time away from heavy teaching loads and other responsibilities so that they can focus almost exclusively on their research and writing. Visiting Fellows fully participate in the intellectual life of the Center and the university. During their time at BYU they present a public lecture for interested faculty and students. They also make themselves available for a small number of guest presentations to BYU classes on their research.

Application packages should contain

1) A formal letter describing the applicant's background, research interests and desired dates of stay
2) A Curriculum Vita
3) A one-page discussion of the applicant's research project and its significance
4) The names and contact information for two references.

Electronic applications must be submitted as PDFs through our award application portal.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Announcement of the awards will be made in early May. Award recipients will be required to submit a one-page report of work completed by October 15 of the following year.