Writing Westward Podcast 065 - Julie Carr - Mud, Blood, and Ghosts

Writing Westward Podcast       Episode 065

Julie Carr

Mud, Blood, and Ghosts:

Populism, Eugenics, and Spiritualism in the American West


(University of Nebraska Press, 2023)




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Julie Carr is Professor of English at the University of Colorado, Boulder and Chair of the Department of Women and Gender Studies. Her training and degrees from Barnard College, NYU, and the University of California, Berkeley are in creative writing, poetry, and English. She is the author of 16 books, many of which have won awards and honors. She has also published extensively in journals, poetry collections, popular outlets like The New Republic, High Country News, The Nation, and others. She has travelled extensively to give readings, is involved in multi-media projects, and is co-host and co-creator of the brand new podcast, Return the Key: Jewish Questions for Everyone. 

This month we speak about her newest book Mud, Blood, and Ghosts: Populism, Eugenics, and Spiritualism in the American West (University of Nebraska Press, 2023).


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